Gathering Moss

“Mosses and other small beings issue an invitation to dwell for a time right at the limits of ordinary perception. All it requires of us is attentiveness. Look in a certain way and a whole new world can be revealed.”

Wall Kimmerer

Creating a Moss Garden


Prepare the bed
Place rocks
Transplant the moss

“Learning to see mosses is more like listening than looking. A cursory glance will not do it. Starting to hear a faraway voice or catch a nuance in the quiet subtext of a conversation requires attentiveness, a filtering of all the noise, to catch the music. Mosses are not elevator music; they are the intertwined threads of a Beethoven quartet.”

Wall Kimmerer


Hope that the moss will like it’s new home and spread to fill the garden.

Until next time


Published by: Ellecee

"Daunted by the futility of trying to keep up with all the demands they can't possible keep, some will just surrender and retire gracefully into relative oblivion; Following Candid's advice they will give up the world and cultivate their little gardens." Flow- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Categories spoken word2 Comments

2 thoughts on “Gathering Moss”

    1. Hi Bjorn, sorry I missed your message.

      So far the moss seems to be doing well. Right now it’s covered with a layer of snow 🙂 The real test will be if it thrives in the Spring. I’m hoping for that and will let know. Wish I could tell you the name of this one. Perhaps your brother would know. Thank you so much for ypur interest.


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